Everything You Need To Know About Colonic Hydrotherapy

Colonic Hydrotherapy

What is Colonic Hydrotherapy?

Colonic Hydrotherapy, sometimes called a colonic is an infusion of pure body temperature water via disposable tubing into the colon through the rectum.

There are two main kinds of FDA-approved Colonic Hydrotherapy equipment… both open and closed. With the open type, waste is flushed in a basin beneath the patient. In closed systems, the elimination occurs through the tubing. This allows the client to be free of odor and mess throughout the treatment.

The method of cleansing the colon by gentle infusions of water is used for many thousands of years. The earliest documented documentation of colon cleansing is an old Egyptian medical record that dates back to the 1500s B.C.

In the past doctors frequently recommended enemas for treating colds, fever, and flu as well as other common ailments. The excessive use and misuse of drugs resulted in a decrease in doctor-recommended enemas. The colonic is a comprehensive version of colon cleansing and can allow water to enter more deeply into the large colon… potentially dislodging, loosening, or eliminating fecal matter that has been impacted by gas, pathogens, and parasites.

At present, Colonic Hydrotherapy is a well-known treatment utilized by many people to treat common ailments like constipation. Many consider this to be an effective tool for treating cancer, autoimmune disorders, and autointoxication (self-poisoning due to improper elimination, resulting in the accumulation of toxic substances within the colon… These toxic substances can then be absorbed through the bloodstream). Numerous reports show that detoxifying can aid in preventing the development of chronic diseases.

Some Reasons People Choose Colonic Hydrotherapy…

  • The athletes receive colonics to maximize metabolic function
  • Colonics are commonly utilized as a supplement to lifestyle modifications (diet exercises, diets, spiritual awakening, fasts)
  • A lot of people seeking treatment suffer from various levels of digestive discomfort such as gas, constipation, indigestion as well as bloating, parasite infection as well as adhesions from previous procedures.
  • Others report chronic or acute pain problems like back pain, headaches and arthritis (joint pain), and abdominal pain.
  • Many of our patients have issues with their immune system, such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis Hashimoto’s Disease, multiple sclerosis, and more.
  • Colonics are frequently suggested by doctors for cleansing before surgery or diagnosis tests (colonoscopies)
  • Patients with a geriatric condition seek relief from constipation caused by inactivity and dehydration
  • We often see clients who are undergoing gallbladder or liver flushes.
  • Problems with emotions could be rooted within the digestive system

What Might Colonics Do For Your Colon and Other Organs?

  1. Cleansing…The infiltration of drinking water in the colon helps break down the feces, allowing it to be eliminated, along with accumulations of parasites, toxins, and others. The waste that is left in the colon for long durations is prone to be absorbed into the bloodstream, putting pressure on the liver as well as other organs, or cleansing.
  2. Muscle tone increases… It is the digestive muscle tube that runs into the mouth and reaches the anus. The muscle may become weak or atonic, and cause hemorrhoids and constipation due to the strain of defecation. The gentle emptying and filling of colons during Colonic Irrigation can boost muscle tone and improve peristalsis (the elimination of waste from your colon).
  3. Normalization of the Colon Shape…Impacted fecal matter as well as weakening tissue and muscle within the colon may cause constricted spaces. The gentle filling of water massages and bathes the cells. This can improve circulation in the tissues, and aid in the elimination of areas that are irregularly shaped in the colon.
  4. Relaxation and Hydration… The majority of colon therapists have been trained in massage techniques and other methods to ease you into a state of total relaxation during the cleansing process. When the parasympathetic nervous process is activated (necessary to relax and to digest) the complete release of stress becomes possible. The water that is in the colon is taken directly into the bloodstream, which could assist in the elimination of toxins through the kidneys, skin, and bowels.

Other Possible Benefits of Colonic Hydrotherapy…

  1. Organ Decompression… Full intestines could enlarge the surrounding organs (liver heart, lungs, and lungs). Some patients report feeling full or lighter after treatment.
  2. Elimination of constipation… A boost in peristaltic function due to the strengthening of muscles within the colon can cause a reduction in or disappearance of movement issues (constipation as well as diarrhea).
  3. A general feeling of Well-being…After Colonic Irrigation, patients frequently report a sense of well-being, less anxiety as well as mental clarity. Imagine how relaxed you and your brain will feel following the elimination of toxic toxins.
  4. Elimination of Parasites…Parasites can exist anywhere in the body (bloodstream, joints, colon, heart, brain, etc.). Colonic Irrigation could take the burden off the liver, improve the lymphatic system, and boost the immune system, which aids in eliminating parasites.
  5. Weight reduction… After elimination is increased, metabolic processes could be enhanced. Simple elimination of accumulated waste could lead to weight loss and revitalization!

The Procedure…

The tubing is cleaned in the factory and sealed. It is not reused. The speculum is a shorter tube, which is lubricated with organic oils, like castor, and is gently placed in the rectum. Two tubes are connected on the inside of the speculum. The smaller tube is used to introduce clean drinking water to the colon, and the bigger one is used to evacuate gas, water, and fecal matter via the instrument, and then directly into the drain. It’s an enclosed system, meaning that all material is transported through the tubing. This means there is the absence of odor or mess during your treatment.

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